
Doris Du came from mainland China. She graduated from Sichuan Conservatory of Music, majored in Music Education, and became a music teacher of a college for preschool educators in China. She then worked in business for over a decade. Her business experience helped her to understand that learning cannot be rigidly framed in theory, and the learning content and format should be in line with the societal demands and students’ personalities.

Doris started to teach Mandarin/Chinese in Hong Kong in 2004. She found the current course materials and syllabus of Chinese did not suit the need of most non-Chinese speakers, and the mismatch reduced the Chinese competence of graduates at the international schools down to primary grade 2 of the local native pupils.

Now, using the unique teaching method and materials created and performed by herself, Doris helped all of her students to get a score of 7 in the IB exam in recent years. So she has been compiling her teaching materials into textbooks,the first series is now selling in book stores like BOOKAZINE, SWINDON, HONG KONG BOOK CENTRE, KELLY & WALSH.

Doris is starting to enroll new students from all over the society in 2019. She and her co-teachers will give any kinds of Chinese course at student’s home, including Mandarin and Cantonese, both simplified and traditional. They fully used internet to communicate with students (or their parents), and provide testing activities. Due to the hard work of the students and the support from the parents, the curriculum development is now growing steadily.

Doris Du 老师是来自于中国大陆,她毕业于四川音乐学院音乐教育系。曾在国内的一所幼儿师范高等专科学校任全科音乐教师,之后,又从商10年有余。这段从商经历使Doris认识到学习知识不能僵化在理论的框架,不但要与现实社会的需求结合,作为教师,还要根据学生特质的不同,灵活制定学习的内容和方式。 Doris从2004年开始在香港教授中文,她以敏锐的判断发现目前的中文教学对于非华人或海外华人子女类的学生的学习方案及教材出现偏颇,导致各知名国际中学的学生在毕业时仅拥有本地华人二年级水平。Doris老师改革了自己的教学方案,使用自己的教学材料进行教学。最近的几年她的学生在IB考试均获得7分。因此她将自己的教材逐步整理出书,在以下书店售卖。Doris 于2019年开始面向社会招生,她和自己的合作教师采取上门补习制,并充分利用科技网络的便利,与学生及家长建立良好的沟通和测评计划,他们的教学活动,正在学生的努力和家长的支持下稳健上升。